ERIC PRIEZKALNS published an excellent article: Will Germany Reject STIR/SHAKEN?
Regular readers of Commsrisk will know the US government has concocted a plan, with the encouragement of some self-interested businesses, to force every telecoms network in the world to implement STIR/SHAKEN. You also know this plan is fanciful. The plan is so obviously deluded that many apprehend the reasons it will fail before they even learn what STIR/SHAKEN is. The self-deception began when an insular group of Americans decided that they know what the whole world needs without asking for input from anyone outside of their little cabal. At some point the fantasy will be broken, but that will not occur until one country exhibits some political courage by dropping the pretense that they will give serious consideration to mandating STIR/SHAKEN for their telcos. Will that country be Germany?
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